No Refund Policy for All Services: You understand that there are no refunds for any online training, nutritional or consulting services which includes but is not limited to a la carte private coaching sessions and private coaching packages. By agreeing to Nigel Media II, LLC’s terms and conditions, you understand that you are obligated to pay any coaching fee(s) and recurring service(s) fees agreed upon in writing or via transactional agreement between you and Nigel Media II, LLC. There are no refunds at all under any circumstances. You are obligated to show your doctor or any health care professional the program you purchased. By purchasing any of these programs you hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Nigel Media , LLC from any loss, liability, damage, health issues or cost that may incur due to any of these programs. You agree to these terms by purchasing the programs.
Cancellation Policy of 1-on-1 Coaching Services: There are no cancellations of any long-term 1-on-1 coaching services being provided once initial payment is submitted, regardless if payment is a pay in full or a monthly payment plan payment. For those receiving 4 + weeks of 1-on-1 coaching, your time and coaching sessions in the program can only be delayed or put on hold for family emergencies or if a participant is on travel for minimum of 3 consistent weeks in duration. Clients whom have an unexpected serious illness or pregnancy during their enrollment can have their time in the program put on hold for longer than 3 weeks, exact duration of extension will be discussed and decided upon a per client basis. Please note only your time in the program can be delayed, your payments will continue as scheduled as there are no refunds or cancellations. If for any reason you choose not to complete the your program, you have the option to transfer your time remaining to another student already enrolled in the program. Our terms & conditions have been created to encourage you to learn how to build the skills necessary to manage your nutrition through every day life distractions and scenarios.
Coach Communication 1-on-1 Coaching Services: As coaches, we check our emails and voicemails daily. We will make every effort to respond to any emails or phone messages within 24-48 business hours. Please feel free to leave a message, as our voicemails are private and confidential. Our emails are also private and confidential, and is not at risk for accidental usage by another colleague, family member, or other.
Coaching Goals 1-on-1 Services: Coaching is a service that requires specialized training. It is designed primarily used to help clients with goal achievements. It is different than therapy, and while at times coaching may sometimes include therapeutic techniques, it is NOT psychotherapy. If during the course of coaching we find that therapy would be more appropriate for you versus coaching, we would be happy to make that recommendation. Please let your coach know if you are seeing a therapist concurrently with coaching. Coaching is not intended for medical, mental health, or legal problems. We do not prepare any reports for any insurance, employer, school, medical, government, or legal entity.